Weekly Update 09/30/24 – 10/04/24
Annual Challenge Update
Reminder: If NWKC has 300 enrolled members across the whole company and your clinic has 75 or more 5-star reviews by the end of the year your entire team gets one additional floating holiday added to your time off bank! Additionally, any staff member whose clinic has 75 or more 5-star reviews and personally has at least 8 by-name shoutouts within those reviews they will be entered into a drawing to win a 3-day trip to this beautiful cabin.
Current Standings
Google Reviews
Bellevue: 45
Tacoma: 35
Seattle: 14
Company Memberships: 84
*We have averaged around 400 non-member patients over the last 3 month period across all three locations. We have 3 months left to get patients signed up.
Membership plans accomplish two main goals:
- Keeps patients on a consistent healing journey throughout the year – this avoids extreme highs an low of symptoms which in the past has led to many of our patients wanting to completely restart a stabilization series due to inconsistent maintenance care.
- Brings the financial investment for their care to extremely affordable pricing. We have plans ranging from $125-$440 per month which brings boosters as low as $350 each. That’s over 20% more affordable than any other IV Ketamine clinic in Washington state.
Upcoming Monthly Education Schedule
October 8th at 8:15AM: Self-care, Boundaries, and Work-Life Balance by RN Janice
October 24th at 8:15AM: Memberships – how they work and how to talk about them by Austin
November 5th at 8:15AM: Trauma Informed Care by ARNP Cheri
November 21st at 8:15AM: Preparing a patient for their series by RN Brandi
December 3rd at 8:15AM: KAP Integration by Charissa Walson
December 19th at 8:15AM: Substance Use Disorder Protocol, ACES by ARNP Cheri
Education Call Etiquette
- Ensure you arrive at the clinic on time so that you have joined the meeting by 8:15 so there are no delays in getting started
- Sit at your own computer with cameras on during the presentation
- If you are unable to access a private computer and are sitting with someone else, no talking, laughing, etc during the presentation
- When applicable please shares personal stories of how the topic relates or impacts you
Patient Outcomes 2023-2024
PHQ: 85% of patients experiencing 50% reduction within 2-3 weeks
GAD: 88% of patients experiencing 50% reduction within 2-3 weeks
NSESSS: 89% of patients experiencing 50% reduction within 2-3 weeks
For patients who answer a score of 1 or more on question #9 of the PHQ form at their first infusion, (Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way) 82% of those patients answer a zero on their 6th infusion scores!
From Our Data: About 23% of our patients experience a 50% reduction in symptoms after just one infusion!
Sales & Marketing
As many of you have felt with the low census and seen the light schedules within Healthie our Summer Slow has been a little bit extra this year. There are many factors that play into this and there isn’t a one-solution fix to correct. From what we have learned in the past, when the summer time hits a lot of people get incredibly busy with kids out of school, vacations, and the extra Vitamin D certainly helps with symptoms.
Unlike the previous years, the economy is in a much different place than it has been – the cost of all goods has increased dramatically and many people often choose to put their mental health care on the back burner during these times.
To help bring in new patients, our Sales Manager Chelsea has started visiting referring providers to bolster relationships with the other mental health care providers around our clinics. The Leadership Team put together a provider folder with some really great information to teach them a little bit more about us and ease the process of referring their patients to us for treatment. If you are interested in helping out with this effort, please reach out to Chelsea to learn more!
Marketing is a tricky thing for most small companies. Unlike your Amazon’s, Walmart’s, and McDonalds of the world, we can’t just throw an unlimited amount of money into marketing to see what works. What makes things even more challenging is that ketamine clinics are still fairly new and restricted in many traditional advertising channels.
We have recently hired a marketing strategist company called Atlas Rose to come in and build out a custom strategy for NWKC that is data-backed on helping us spread awareness, educate, and reach those who need treatment most. Currently, they are building out a 12-month roadmap from where we are to where we want to be. They are reviewing years worth of our advertising analytics as well as conducting competitor analysis. Competitor analysis doesn’t just include local ketamine clinics but those around the nation – although not direct competitors with us, this type of analysis allows us to see what they are doing for marketing and how it is working for them. This ultimately will guide our marketing decisions.